What if someone told you that a thinner, healthier, and longer life was within your grasp? Sound too good to be true? According to a wealth of research, exercise is the silver bullet for a better quality of life. The catch is finding ways to work exercise into your daily routine. At Evergreen, we have found that maintaining plantings and landscaping can be an excellent way to add some variety to your exercise routine.
The list of health benefits is impressive, and the requirements are relatively simple — just make it happen.
When things are getting busy with budgets and project deadlines even before the holidays are here. These 7 reasons should help to jump start you into exercising now, and we have included suggestions for combining this exercise necessity with gardening practicality.
1. Heart Disease. Regular activity strengthens your heart muscle; lowers blood pressure; increases “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins or HDLs) and lowers “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins or LDLs); enhances blood flow; and helps your heart function more efficiently. All of these benefits reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
2. Stroke. In an analysis of 23 studies, researchers found that being active reduces your risk of having and dying from a stroke. According to a study published in the journal Stroke, moderately active study participants had 20% less risk of stroke than less active participants.
3. Type II Diabetes. This disease is increasing at alarming rates — by 62% since 1990 — and 17 million Americans now have it. Physical activity can enhance weight loss and help prevent and/or control this condition. Losing weight can increase insulin sensitivity, improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure — all of which are very important to the health of people with diabetes.
In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Frank Hu, MD, of the Harvard School of Public Health found that a brisk walk for one hour daily could reduce the risk of type II diabetes by 34%
Our gardening exercise tip for the first three points is the same: work on your cardiovascular well being! Landscaping and gardening tasks such as mowing the lawn or raking leaves provide the extended movement and effort that we can count as cardio work to help keep your heart active. Mowing or raking for a few hours will not meet your weekly cardio needs, but it will be a big step in the right direction.
4. Obesity. Overweight and obese conditions can be prevented or treated with exercise along with a healthy diet. Activity helps to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass, thus improving your body’s ability to burn calories. The combination of reduced calories and daily exercise is the ticket to weight loss. And controlling obesity is critical, as it is a major risk factor for many diseases. Lowering your body mass index (BMI) is a sure way to reduce your risk of dying early and to live a healthier life.
5. Back Pain. Back pain can be managed or prevented with a fitness program that includes muscle strengthening and flexibility. Having good posture and a strong abdomen is the body’s best defense against back pain.
6. Osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercise (such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting weights) strengthens bone formation and helps prevent the osteoporosis or bone loss often seen in women after menopause. Combine a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D with regular weight-bearing exercise for maximum results.
For points 4,5, and 6, we will turn to other landscaping tasks to meet our activity needs. Depending on your gardening or landscaping goals, you can find an endless list of tasks to complete in your home or office garden that will make your landscaping beautiful and keep you fit. Tasks like weeding, trimming, planting, and mulching are well within the skill set of the beginner gardener, and they will all help you build your strength and flexibility.
Both strength and flexibility are essential parts of getting, and staying. fit and healthy. Using gardening tools and carrying supplies to complete gardening tasks will add up to a full body workout.
7. Psychological Benefits. Improved self-esteem is one of the top benefits of regular physical activity. While exercising, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. The feeling that follows a workout is often described as “euphoric” and is accompanied by an energizing outlook. Exercise can help you cope with stress and ward off depression and anxiety.
One of the biggest mental barriers people have to exercising is a perceived lack of productivity after spending energy running only to end up right where they started, lifting weights only to put them back down, or spending up to an hour in one place on a machine. Whether or not you feel this way, getting a workout in your garden will help you feel good and productive. The results of the energy you spent will be visible in a neater yard or a new planting. Soon you won’t just be seeing the results or your energy spent in your yard; they will also be evident as you drop pounds and build muscle.
And these are just a few of the ways exercise improves your health and tips for getting into shape in your garden. Studies have suggested it can also help with certain types of cancer, improve immune function, and more.
Exercise alone produces modest weight loss; when combined with a reduced-calorie diet, the effects are much more impressive.
In a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, University of Pittsburgh researchers found that people who exercised regularly and ate a healthy, modest-calorie diet lost weight and improved cardiorespiratory fitness regardless of the length or intensity of their workouts.
A well balanced and calorie regulated diet combined with exercise will help you make you look and fell better. With our tips, you can keep your yard looking great too. And if there is ever a landscaping task too big for you to handle, please give us a call!
Some information was provided by WD MD